Tuesday, January 7, 2014

We are all super heroes on the inside....

This is Ty Wesley. He can do anything, climb anything, unlock anything, break, fix and put back anything before I even know he's missing. Last night he served up about 2 inches of baby powder in his sippy cup to Ranger, the new puppy. The initial problem was that the baby powder was somewhere on the very top shelf in the bathroom and the next problem was that he shared his winnings without putting a lid on the said sippy cup. The only defense he had, besides this smile of his that closely resembles an angel, was, "Mama, it mell good!" Yes, it did smell good, so did the entire kitchen, the bathroom, the puppy and the boy. But shucks, he is just so cute!

The thing I love about his confidence and inhibition is the constant reminder that there are things we are all capable of, people we are all capable of being, obstacles we are all capable of overcoming and we just don't know until we try or until Life forces us into it. I have seen people face impossible situations and somehow come out on top and I often hear myself saying, "I don't know how you do it". But reality is, they must do it. They have to do it. 

Sometimes I get caught off guard by the general public's indulgence of open comments and criticisms of me and my 5 kids (all under 9 years old). One day while plowing through Costco, I had truly had enough. I'm not sure if it was the cart overflowing with diapers, wipes, and red wine or the Hello Kitty sun-viser I pulled out of my purse instead of my wallet at the checkout stand, but folks were extra chatty that day about how full my hands were, or how busy I have been or how it was better me than them. As I was looking up from the trail of tampons my littlest guy had been throwing behind me as we shopped, my eyes caught the unmistakable "potty dance" from my 4 year old blondy. Before I could even open my mouth some innocent but opinionated stranger felt the need to once again state the obvious. "Honey," she said, "you got your hands fuuu-uull. Sure am glad it's you and not me. Sheesh girl, I don't know how you do it." I paused, counted to 10 (really fast) and said, "Well I suppose I don't really have a choice. It's not like I can put one or two back now can I?" I said it very sweetly almost sickly sweet. Of course she smiled and walked on, glancing back a time or two. But I was right and so was she. My hands are full. But so what. I'm a super hero on the inside. But don't count on pictures of me dressing the way I feel. That would not be ok. 

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