Tuesday, April 22, 2014

It's Fine to be Nine!

Our crazy haired blue eyed baby turned 9 today. She's sensible, practical, funny, full of big dreams and she makes me so proud. I stole her and her pal, Emma away to go adventuring up a mountain side in our new rig, Rosie (a bright red 1977 Suburban) on a rainy day in April. We had a blast! We threw rocks, made wishes, built a campfire, saw wild animal tracks and thoroughly soaked in the deafening roar of the creek as it rushed down the mountain. Later that evening we ate salmon and rice with glazed carrots for supper. This is Bet's top request when she is ever given the option. Her daddy and I gave her her first compound now. It's a Lil' Banshee. We all target shot for an hour or so and then retired inside for carrot cake and cream cheese frosting while we watched Prince Caspian (again). Betsy Mae made me a Mama. She taught me so many things but mostly how to love and be loved. Her kindness toward animals and her tender heart for The Lord makes me hopeful that she will do well in life. I adore her giggle and her smile. But most of all I love the countless freckles on her nose. She's my girl. Always. 
Happy 9th Girl! 

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