Monday, January 20, 2014

If you had stopped by for coffee today..

If you had stopped by my funny little house for coffee today, you would have had to walk through various sizes of mud puddles and a small creek running through my yard. Green grass growing over the sceptic tank is a premature promise of Spring in January. You would have been met by Ranger, the pup, and his floppy loppy ears and nipping teeth. He claims the front porch and the entry way. I'm fixin' to give him the boot. I am rather attached to my front porch. Then you would have been greeted with an obstacle course of boots, shoes, chew toys and foam thingies that were part of the packing stuff in the new hot water heater. And finally you would have been stopped completely in your tracks by the mouthwatering aroma of banana bread. Only today, I was staring at 2, 1 1/2 pound loaf pans filled 3/4 of the way full with creamy flawless banana bread batter. It's not hard to do. It's actually very easy. And then I remembered my brother's funny appreciation for peanutbutter spread thick on fresh hot banana bread. So I warmed up 1/2 a cup of the trusty old staple and when it was melted and runny, I drizzled it on one of the uncooked loaves and then swirled it around with a knife. Talk about yum! Wow. This was unbeatable as far as banana bread goes. Try it and see. And then try it with your coffee. And then smile and have some one over. It taste better with a friend. I shared it with 5 little people, a handsome man and a pup. 

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! Can't wait to try it next time. Thanks.
